So you’ve come to Glasgow to study, and what a fantastic choice that was! The gorgeous Victorian city is the perfect place to be a student with unlimited pubs, clubs and restaurants to keep you entertained for your period of study. The only way to properly be a student is to immerse yourself in the local culture, get out there and really see what Glasgow’s actually about. I feel like I should clarify here that a kilt is not necessary. These blogs have showed you where to eat, where to shop and different things to do in the city, but never how to get up close and personal with Glaswegian culture so here are three things you just have to do before you leave Glasgow. Be bold, be brave and be a proper Glaswegian!
Number One: The Sub Crawl

Glasgow’s answer to pub golf, the sub crawl is a really straightforward concept. Glasgow has a fantastic subway system which takes you round the city really quickly, sort of like the tube in London. To participate in a sub crawl, you must buy a ticket for Glasgow’s 15-stop circular subway, get off at every stop and go to the nearest pub for a drink. If you think of pub golf, each subway stop is a ‘hole’. This is sightseeing at it’s very finest. A typical subcrawl involves lots of singing, crazy amounts of laughter and never quite making it to the end. What a great way to get to know your way round the city…though you probably won’t remember it in the morning! Here is the typical sub-crawl route for you, print this off and have the best night of your life guaranteed!
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